Ryser’s Blog and Furniture News

Timely Tips for Spring Cleaning


Spring is here! We have made it through the snow, ice and frigid temperatures and we are now starting to see the signs of warmer times. Along with those warmer temperatures, come many opportunities for activities that are often too difficult to do during those Winter months that we spend hibernating indoors. One of the most popular tasks that people undertake during the early part of Spring is their annual “Spring Cleaning”.

If you are one of the many who participate in this yearly ritual, here are some tips for getting your home in tip-top shape.


Now that we have reached a […]

By |2015-03-30T16:26:58-04:00March 30th, 2015|General|Comments Off on Timely Tips for Spring Cleaning

Month of May Sale

It’s Wedding, graduation, and baby shower season! Come in and enjoy 30% off your purchase from Kimela Gallery’s, the entire month of MAY!!!

By |2014-05-12T20:12:39-04:00May 12th, 2014|General, News|Comments Off on Month of May Sale

Renewal and Revival in 2014

As we look out the window, we see red bud trees beginning to show their brilliant purple color and it reminds us, after a bitter and difficult winter for most, that renewal and revival continually happens. Ryser’s is living out its own bit of a renewal and revival in 2014. Many things are happening that excite the spirit and stir the creative mind.

Let us say how important you are to Ryser’s. We always look forward to renewing friendships and we hope you will give us that opportunity. You have lots of places to spend your time this spring and we […]

By |2014-05-02T12:56:47-04:00May 2nd, 2014|Design, General|Comments Off on Renewal and Revival in 2014

The Park Hill Collection

Park-Hill-Collection1The Park Hill Collection is a gathering of objects that bring happy memories of childhood. Many items are exclusive antique reproductions that help satisfy your nostalgic desire for the way things used to be and yet are timeless for contemporary living. You can create a personal statement all your own with some beautiful pieces.

The Park Hill Collection provides accessories designed to give you a sense of home. The pieces will help you evoke memories of a place of long summers, cozy winters, and a sense of […]

By |2023-03-23T17:51:35-04:00March 12th, 2014|General|Comments Off on The Park Hill Collection

It’s all in the detail…

Jonathan Charles ChairIt’s all in the detail… the business maxim for one of our favorite companies… Jonathan Charles

Attention to detail in both build quality and finishing is what sets Jonathan Charles Fine Furniture apart from other manufacturers.  All of their construction processes are preformed in-house.  Skills such as fine hand-carving, cutting marquetry inlay, hand-painting, finishing, and casting the brass handles and hardware are all done within the Jonathan Charles facility. 

By |2023-03-23T17:51:35-04:00February 4th, 2014|Design|1 Comment
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